Relational operators in JavaScript are used to compare two values, returning a Boolean value (true or false) based on the relationship. Relational operators are extremley similar to math functions such as less than or equal too.
Common Relational Operators
==: Equal to, checks if two values are the same (e.g., verifying a password match).
!=: Not equal to, checks if two values are different (e.g., ensuring input changes).
===: Strict equal to, checks equality and type (e.g., validating exact user ID).
!==: Strict not equal to, checks inequality and type (e.g., ensuring different type or value).
: Greater than, left value is larger than the right (e.g., comparing scores or ages).
<: Less than, left value is smaller than the right (e.g., setting age limits).
=: Greater than or equal to, left value is larger or equal (e.g., minimum age validation).