Basic Overview

Condition is always true if the condition is true you have seen it in math have you? 🙃 An example is x<8 or X>y or x>8

In inside the code you can run any code you want anything you want but it has to be true to statement

What happens inside the code

If you run the code it will run for infinate times unless, the statement is false then it will stop and continue to next line or stop oif it is last code

an example can be s`een down here The counter which is number set is = 0 and 0<10 and then it prints each number by +1

counter = 0
while counter <= 10:
    print("Counter is:", counter)
    counter += 1
    print("Counter after incrementing:", counter)

Counter is: 0
Counter after incrementing: 1
Counter is: 1
Counter after incrementing: 2
Counter is: 2
Counter after incrementing: 3
Counter is: 3
Counter after incrementing: 4
Counter is: 4
Counter after incrementing: 5
Counter is: 5
Counter after incrementing: 6
Counter is: 6
Counter after incrementing: 7
Counter is: 7
Counter after incrementing: 8
Counter is: 8
Counter after incrementing: 9
Counter is: 9
Counter after incrementing: 10
Counter is: 10
Counter after incrementing: 11
// Initialize a variable
let counter = 0;

// While loop starts
while (counter <= 10) {
    console.log("Counter is: " + counter);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Popcorn Hack 3

For this one you have to find an error in the code to demonstrate the knowlege and correct the mistake in new code cell.


// Initialize the counter
let counter = 1;

// Loop while counter is less than 5
while (counter < 5) { 
    console.log("Counter is: " + counter); // Print the current counter value
    // Increment the counter

Popcorn Hack 4

Create the Outer Loop: Use a while loop that runs while outerFactor is less than or equal to 10. Initialize the Inner Loop Variable:

Inside the outer loop, create another variable called innerFactor and set it to 1. Create the Inner Loop: Inside the outer loop, use another while loop that runs while innerFactor is less than or equal to 10. Calculate the Product:

Inside the inner loop, calculate the product of outerFactor and innerFactor. Print the Product: Print the product using console.log(), formatting the output neatly. Increment the Inner Loop Variable:

After printing the product, increment innerFactor by 1. Move to the Next Line: After the inner loop finishes, print a new line to separate rows. Increment the Outer Loop Variable:

Increment outerFactor by 1 to move to the next row in the table.


<div id="multiplicationTable"></div>

    function printMultiplicationTable() {
        const tableSize = 10; // 10x10 table for multiplication from 1 to 10
        let row = 1; // Initialize row counter
        let tableContent = "<pre>"; // Using <pre> for preformatted text
        // Outer loop: Runs while row is less than or equal to 10
        while (row <= tableSize) {
            let col = 1; // Initialize column counter
            let rowString = ''; // String to hold the row
            // Inner loop: Runs while col is less than or equal to 10
            while (col <= tableSize) {
                const product = row * col; // Calculate the product
                rowString += product.toString().padStart(4, ' ') + ' '; // Add product to row string
                col++; // Increment column counter
            tableContent += rowString + "\n"; // Add the row string to the table content
            row++; // Increment row counter
        tableContent += "</pre>"; // Close the <pre> tag
        document.getElementById("multiplicationTable").innerHTML = tableContent; // Print to the page

    // Call the function to print the table

Here is some code for extra credit: (asks questions regarging the multiplication table)

<div id="multiplicationTable"></div>
<div id="questionContainer"></div>
<input type="text" id="userAnswer" placeholder="Type your answer here" />
<button onclick="checkAnswer()">Submit Answer</button>
<div id="responseMessage"></div>

    // Function to print the multiplication table in the notebook
    function printMultiplicationTable() {
        const tableSize = 10; // 10x10 table for multiplication from 1 to 10
        let row = 1; // Initialize row counter
        let tableContent = "<pre>"; // Using <pre> for preformatted text
        // Outer loop: Runs while row is less than or equal to 10
        while (row <= tableSize) {
            let col = 1; // Initialize column counter
            let rowString = ''; // String to hold the row
            // Inner loop: Runs while col is less than or equal to 10
            while (col <= tableSize) {
                const product = row * col; // Calculate the product
                rowString += product.toString().padStart(4, ' ') + ' '; // Add product to row string
                col++; // Increment column counter
            tableContent += rowString + "\n"; // Add the row string to the table content
            row++; // Increment row counter
        tableContent += "</pre>"; // Close the <pre> tag
        document.getElementById("multiplicationTable").innerHTML = tableContent; // Print to the page

    // Function to generate a random multiplication question and display it
    function askMultiplicationQuestion() {
        const num1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; // Random number between 1 and 10
        const num2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; // Random number between 1 and 10
        // Display the question in the notebook
        document.getElementById("questionContainer").innerHTML = `What is ${num1} x ${num2}?`;
        // Store the correct answer in a global variable for checking later
        window.correctAnswer = num1 * num2;

    // Function to check the user's answer
    function checkAnswer() {
        const userAnswer = parseInt(document.getElementById("userAnswer").value); // Get the user's input
        // Check if the answer is correct
        if (userAnswer === window.correctAnswer) {
            document.getElementById("responseMessage").innerHTML = "Congratulations! Your answer is correct.";
            document.getElementById("responseMessage").style.color = "green";
        } else {
            document.getElementById("responseMessage").innerHTML = "Oops! That's not correct. Try again.";
            document.getElementById("responseMessage").style.color = "red";
            // Generate a new question

    // Call the function to print the multiplication table
    // Call the function to ask the first multiplication question

Here is popcorn hack 2

<canvas id="ticTacToeCanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<div id="status" style="font-size: 18px; margin-top: 10px; font-weight: bold;"></div>

    // Avoid redeclaring variables if they already exist
    if (!window.canvas) {
        const canvas = document.getElementById("ticTacToeCanvas");
        const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        const statusElement = document.getElementById("status");

        const boardSize = 3;
        const cellSize = canvas.width / boardSize;
        let board = [
            [null, null, null],
            [null, null, null],
            [null, null, null]
        let currentPlayer = "X"; // X starts first

        function drawBoard() {
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Clear the canvas before drawing
            ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; // Black color for grid lines
            ctx.lineWidth = 2;

            // Draw the grid
            for (let i = 1; i < boardSize; i++) {
                ctx.moveTo(i * cellSize, 0);
                ctx.lineTo(i * cellSize, canvas.height);

                ctx.moveTo(0, i * cellSize);
                ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, i * cellSize);

        function drawMarks() {
            ctx.font = "60px Arial";
            ctx.textAlign = "center";
            ctx.textBaseline = "middle";

            // Draw the X's and O's
            for (let row = 0; row < boardSize; row++) {
                for (let col = 0; col < boardSize; col++) {
                    if (board[row][col]) {
                        ctx.fillStyle = board[row][col] === "X" ? "#2980B9" : "#27AE60"; // Blue for X, Green for O
                        ctx.fillText(board[row][col], col * cellSize + cellSize / 2, row * cellSize + cellSize / 2);

        // Handle click event
        canvas.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
            const x = event.offsetX;
            const y = event.offsetY;
            const row = Math.floor(y / cellSize);
            const col = Math.floor(x / cellSize);

            if (board[row][col] === null) {
                board[row][col] = currentPlayer;
                currentPlayer = currentPlayer === "X" ? "O" : "X"; // Switch player

        // Check if a player has won or if it's a draw
        function checkGameStatus() {
            if (checkWinner()) {
                updateStatus(`${currentPlayer === "X" ? "O" : "X"} wins!`);
            } else if (isBoardFull()) {
                updateStatus("It's a draw!");
            } else {
                updateStatus(`It's Player ${currentPlayer}'s turn.`);

        // Update the status message
        function updateStatus(message) {
            statusElement.textContent = message;

        // Check if a player has won
        function checkWinner() {
            // Check rows, columns, and diagonals
            for (let i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) {
                // Check rows
                if (board[i][0] && board[i][0] === board[i][1] && board[i][1] === board[i][2]) {
                    return true;
                // Check columns
                if (board[0][i] && board[0][i] === board[1][i] && board[1][i] === board[2][i]) {
                    return true;
            // Check diagonals
            if (board[0][0] && board[0][0] === board[1][1] && board[1][1] === board[2][2]) {
                return true;
            if (board[0][2] && board[0][2] === board[1][1] && board[1][1] === board[2][0]) {
                return true;
            return false;

        // Check if the board is full (draw)
        function isBoardFull() {
            for (let row = 0; row < boardSize; row++) {
                for (let col = 0; col < boardSize; col++) {
                    if (board[row][col] === null) {
                        return false;
            return true;

        // Reset the game
        function resetGame() {
            setTimeout(() => {
                board = [
                    [null, null, null],
                    [null, null, null],
                    [null, null, null]
                updateStatus(`It's Player ${currentPlayer}'s turn.`);
            }, 1000); // Delay reset for 1 second

        // Initialize the game board
        updateStatus(`It's Player ${currentPlayer}'s turn.`);